I wanted to drop by the library today to pick up one specific book. Meaning that I of course left with 4 other ones. Here they are, plus one that I bought and picked up at the post office today.
How to Sell a Haunted House by Grady Hendrix
I put this book on my TBR last year after seeing it on Goodreads Readers’ Most Anticipated Books of 2023 list and finally got round to getting it now after watching a booktuber’s review of it. This is the book I went to get, though I’m sad it’s not the pretty Berkley edition (yes, book covers are very important to me). I started reading it right away so stay tuned for the review!
Nejrudější růže rozkvétá by Liv Strömquist (translation by Marie Voslářová; English title: The Reddest Rose)
I read Strömquist’s graphic novel describing history of the perception of vulvas and vaginas called The Fruit of Knowledge earlier this year and absolutely loved it – I had to borrow it from the library because it was hopelessly sold out both in bookshops and in second hand bookshops. I had the same reaction to her most recent graphic novel called In the Mirror Hall, which dealt with the history and philosophy of body image. So when I saw that someone put up the third of Strömquist’s feminist graphic novels up for sale online, I jumped right at it. This one is about the perception of love and relationships and I cannot wait to read it.
Imaginary Friend by Stephen Chbosky
I had this on my TBR since before it was supposed to come out (so at least four years). Saw it in the library and grabbed it. Hope it reads easily, it has over 700 pages, haha.
The Keeper of Stories by Sally Page
I picked this up because it sounded very similar to The Keeper of Lost Things (in fact I had to check if they’re not the same book). Sounds like a nice, relaxing read.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb (translation by Marcela Nejedlá)
I like memoirs, I like therapy, ergo a memoir of a therapist sounds right up my alley! It also looks like it’s not going to be super heavy nd approached with humour, excited for that.
Sex is a Funny Word by Cory Silverberg, illustrated by Fiona Smyth (translated by Vendula Bittner)
Since I’m applying to be a sex educator, I want to catch up on the current literature available to kids and their parents, so I can give recommendations. Also it just looks like a fun book.
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